DATE: August 25th
TIME: 9 AM – 12 PM CDT
The webinar “Designing an eDelivery Network for the Energy Industry” will have two parts.
Part 1 will touch on overall business perspective and will feature presentations on the topic “if standards are necessary in a digital environment”. Part 2 will touch on the technical side of an eDelivery Network and present the concept of a four-corner network model that makes it affordable for suppliers to transact in a single way with their operators across all the numerous eCommerce platforms they must use to conduct business.
In this webinar, we will hear about the importance of supply chain standards in a digital world, the concept of an eDelivery Network, and the benefits it can provide for the rapid digitalization of the Energy Industry.
Jim Hietala
The Open Group, VP Business Development & Security
Kadri Umay
Microsoft, Principal Program Manager, Azure Global Energy
Jamie Clark
Oasis Open, General Council
Chris Welsh
OFS Portal, CEO
PIDX COO & Chairman of the Board