Ambassador Program

Over the last number of years, the growth in the use of PIDX Standards for Supply Chain and Procurement eBusiness initiatives within the Global Oil and Gas Industry has increased dramatically and the number of success stories on implementations of the standard continues to grow.

As part of our efforts to help facilitate this success, PIDX appoints International Ambassadors by industry segment (Downstream and Upstream) to promote adoption of PIDX Standards. We have held very successful Outreach meetings that were praised as a huge success by the Operators and Service Companies in attendance. Learn more about our current PIDX International Ambassadors.

In an effort to support further expansion and additional Outreach Meetings, PIDX International is continually seeking additional volunteers to become the PIDX International Ambassadors.  Anyone interested should send an email to

A PIDX Ambassador Is:


to promoting global e-Commerce standards


with regional regulations


in the regional energy community


facilitating and presenting at local meetings


by an employer from a PIDX Member Company

A PIDX Ambassador Will:


through success stories, available standards, and history of PIDX


the adoption of industry standards, volunteer, participate


with the exchange of ideas, new initiatives, best practice sharing


regional meetings, identification of subject matter experts, identification of best practices

Highlights of PIDX Ambassador Role

Perks of Being an Ambassador
  • Market exposure associated with being a PIDX Ambassador
  • Listing as PIDX Ambassador on the PIDX website with reference to your LinkedIn Profile and Company website
  • Introductions to Key Executives from other PIDX Member Companies
  • Privilege to list your position as PIDX Ambassador on your LinkedIn Profile
  • Publicity associated with being Organizer of PIDX Outreach Meetings in your Country or Region
  • One Complimentary Ticket to a PIDX Event
  • Excellent Networking with your peers, clients, and prospects
Support provided by PIDX to Ambassador
  • Access to all PIDX resources, marketing material and contacts necessary for successful country strategy execution
  • Input into the PIDX Marketing, Membership and Business Development strategies
  • Introduction email broadcast to all members and parties of interest introducing you as a PIDX Ambassador
  • Support for joint PIDX and Ambassador’s Company press release announcement of the announcement
  • Support from PIDX and its members in marketing, running and organizing Outreach Meetings